Hey there, folks! Today, we’ll delve into the fascinating tale of Jesus Christ, uncovering some hidden truths. Who exactly was Jesus Christ? Did he claim to be God? Let’s examine the evidence from his life to understand why believing in Jesus Christ isn’t just a matter of superstition. Join us on History Mystery, India’s rapidly growing top mystery platform, as we explore these questions. To stay updated, subscribe to our channel and click the notification bell icon. We’re on a quest to definitively answer the age-old questions: “Does God exist?” and “What is the nature of God?” Until then, it remains an enigma, unless God takes the initiative to reveal itself and provide us with a clue to unlock the mystery of divine revelation.

Story Of Jesus Christ
Birth of Jesus Christ
We have to look at the pages of history, It has a clear sign 2000 years ago, in a deserted village of Palestine. A child was born Today the whole world is celebrating the birth of Jesus Christ, And for the right reason his life changed the path of history, After all, how did people see Jesus. We have been told that “The common men used to hear Jesus’ words delightfully” And “He was not teaching them like an officer, rather like them as Jewish leaders”. But, soon it became clear that he was very shocked about himself and giving a miraculous statement.
Early Life Of Jesus Christ
He told himself a great teacher and great than the Prophet. He clearly said that he is God. He made his identity the main issue in his education From his followers, Jesus asked the most important question, And what do you say who I am?” Then Simon Peter answered, “You are the Messiah, the Son of the living God” Jesus Christ was not surprised by hearing this, Nor did he scold Peter In contrast, Jesus appreciated that! Jesus Christ often used to address God as “my father” And their words used to have full effect on their listeners. We have been told, “Because of this, the Jews tried to kill him even more. Because he would not only break the Sabbath day.
But by calling God your Father, He used to make himself equal to God on one another occasion, he said, “I and my father are one” At the same time the Jews hit stone him Jesus Christ asked him about what good deeds he was motivated to hit the stone of him. Those people answered, “We do not hit the stone of you for good work, But because of God’s condemnation, and because you become a human being God makes yourself “.
Middle Life Of Jesus Christ
Jesus clearly claimed those powers, that are with God only when a paralyzed person was descended from the roof so that he could be healed by Jesus. Jesus said, “Son, you have been forgiven by your sins” Hearing this, theologians immediately responded that Why is this person doing such things?
He is insulting God! Without God, who can forgive sins? ” Then Jesus told them, “Which is easy to say to the man suffering from this paralysis ‘Your sins are forgiven,’ or ‘get up and walk’? ” Jesus said, “From whom you know that I have the right to forgive sins on earth. He said to the paralytic patient, “I tell you, Get up, take your bed and go home”. He got up and immediately took a bed and walked out of the front of everyone and went away Everyone was surprised at this Jesus also gave such statements”.
I came because they got life, and got abundance” And “I am the light of the world ” And he often said that whoever believes in him, Jesus will give them eternal life And there is no order of punishment But he has passed through death and has entered into life” And I give them eternal life. They will never be destroyed In those important moments. When Jesus’ life was under pressure, To make such kind of claim, the high priest questioned him directly are you the Christ, the Son of the Most Blessed? Yes, I am, “Jesus said And you sit on the right side of the Almighty’s son and coming with the clouds of the sky”.
Then the high priest tore his clothes and said, Now what else is the purpose of the witnesses. You heard this insult saying all things Jesus Christ was so deeply related to God That he had a human nature towards him and his feelings toward God. One said equally, So to know him was to know the lord. Seeing the Lord was to see him believe in him was to believe in the Lord to accept it, the Lord had to accept it Hating it was hating the Lord, Respecting the Lord was to respect him. The question is, was he telling the truth? It is possible Jesus may lie, when he himself called himself God Maybe he knew he was not God, And knowingly he deceived his listeners. So that he can give his right to his teaching Some people think that but there is a problem in this argument Those who refuse to be his god, accept this fact Jesus was a great moral teacher but they fail to understand this thing That both statements are contradictory.
How Jesus Christ was a great moral teacher. If the most important topic of their teachings. He deliberately used to lie about his identity? When we see the claims of Jesus Christ, So only four possibilities are visible Either they are liar, or mentally ill, He is a divine character or is true “The other possibility is that Jesus Christ was honest, but he was deceiving himself Nowadays, the person who thinks he is God. A name is called mentally disabled But when we look at the life of Jesus Christ. We have the abnormalities and imbalances, Which is a mental disease no proof found Rather, even during the deep pressures in Jesus, we see endless patience. A third option is that, In the third and fourth centuries, enthusiastic followers of Jesus presented their words of exaggerated, And if Jesus listened to them then he would be surprised And if he returned, he would immediately deny them That’s not right Because modern archeology confirms this that four biographies of Christ were written in the lifetime of those people.
Those who saw Jesus heard and followed him these Gospel accounts describe those specific facts and characteristics, Which have been confirmed by those who were direct witnesses of Jesus William F. Albright, from the Johns Hopkins University of America Is a world-famous archaeologist, He said, there is no reason to think that any Gospel should be 70 A.D. Was written after Matthew, Markus, Luke, John. Because of the Gospel written in the beginning, His circulation and effect were more than Jesus Christ was neither liar nor mentally handicapped, Nor was they built beyond the historical truth.
Only one other option can be this that Jesus Christ was absolutely true when he said that he is God. Anyone can make any claims, There are many people, Who claimed to be God I can claim to be God. You can also claim to be God But if we do this, then we all have to answer the question, What proof can we bring to prove our claim or certificates? ” If you ask me about it, you will not even take five minutes to deny my claim It may not take much time to refuse your claim But when it comes to Jesus Christ of Nazareth, Then it is not easy to deny their claim.
They had a certificate to complete their claim They said, “Even if you do not believe me, but believe in those things, So that you may know and believe that the Father is in me and that I am in the Father” Know the quality of life of Jesus his unique moral character matched his claim. His lifestyle was such that He could challenge his enemies through his questions. Who among you can make me a sinner?” They got silent. As he addressed those who had tried to find fault in his character. We read that Jesus Christ was seduced by the devil, But we never listened to the confession of sin to them. He never apologized, However, he asked his followers to do this It is surprising that there is no moral failure in Jesus, especially When we see that it is exactly the opposite of those experiences.
Those saints and humans have experienced full, lifelong experience as men and women go closer to God. The more they are overwhelmed by their failure, corruption, and shortcomings. Anyone who goes near a shining light has more sense of need to clean himself For ordinary humans, this is true in the ethical area It is also remarkable that John, Paul, and Peter. Those who were trained to believe in the universality of sin from childhood, all discussed the sinlessness of Jesus Christ “Neither did he sin nor was any deceit in his mouth”. Who told the death penalty to Jesus Christ, He asked, “What is this sin?” Pilate also asked After listening to the crowd, Pilatus concluded that “I am innocent of the blood of this righteous man, You guys know”. The crowd persistently demanded to crucify Jesus Roman army hero, who handled Jesus crucifixion, He said, “Truly this was God’s Son” Jesus Christ cured the sick Jesus continued to demonstrate his power and compassion.
They run lame, summoned them with mute, and showed the blind, done many good things to patients. For example, a beggar, who was born blind and knew all, Sitting outside the temple After being healed from Jesus Christ, the religious authorities questioned Jesus about the beggar Then he said, “I know one thing, I was blind, but now I can see!” he declared. He was surprised that the authorities of these religions. How to not recognize this healthier as God’s son From the beginning of the world, it has never been heard that anyone opened the eyes of a blind person, This proof was clear for him.
Their ability to control nature Jesus Christ demonstrated a supernatural power over nature. By only words, they calm down the storms of stormy winds and waves in the Sea of Galilee. Those who were riding on boats wondered, they began to ask each other, Who is this, that even the wind and the water obey him?” In marriage, they converted water into wine. They fed food to the crowd of 5,000 people with five loaves and two fish He resurrected the only son of a miserable widow from the dead Lazer, a friend of Jesus, died and was in the grave for four days Still Jesus called him, ” Lazer, come out!” And made him live back from death, Many people were his witnesses.
This is the most important thing That their enemies did not deny this miracle, rather, decided to kill them If we leave him alone, “he said,” then all will come to believe in him Is Jesus God, as he claimed? The supreme proof of being the God of Jesus Christ is their resuscitation after their death During his lifetime, five times Jesus clearly predicted that In what specific way they will be killed And confirmed that after three days he would leave the dead body and then alive again.
Definitely, it was a big test It was a claim that was easy to authenticate, Either this would happen, or not Either it proves the truth of their stated identity or destroys them And what is important to you and me is that The resurrection of Jesus would either confirm these things, or this statement would be ridiculous “I am the way and the truth and the life Without me a father can not reach I am the light of the world, Who will be behind me, He will not walk in darkness, but will get the light of life And whoever believes in me,” I give them eternal life So, in this way he gave this evidence in his own words, “The Son of man will be delivered into the hands of men, And they will kill him And he will rise three days after his death Who is Jesus Christ?
If Jesus came to life from the dead, then whatever he said he gave us He can fulfill it, this means that He can undoubtedly forgive sins, give us eternal life, and can see our way in this life He is God, So now we know How is God We can accept his invitation, know them personally and their love for us It is easy to say, Anybody can make claims But when it comes to Jesus Christ of Nazareth. They had complete proof of supporting their claim ” On the other hand, if Jesus Christ did not rise from the dead, So there is no validity or reality of Christianity It means all this is false, and Jesus was just a common man who is dead And those people who were martyred for Christianity, And contemporary missionary, Did Jesus prove that he is God?
Take a look at the evidence of Jesus’ resurrection Seeing all the miracles that Jesus performed, it can be said That he could easily save himself from the cross, But they chose not to do so Before captivity, Jesus said, “No one can take away my life from me I dedicate myself to it I have the right to offer my life and to receive it again While making him captive, Jesus’ friend Peter tried to save them But Jesus said to Peter, “Put your sword in the sheath, Do not you know that I can request my father, And he will present me more than the twelve groups of angels now? In both Heaven and Earth, they had such power Jesus Christ accepted his death by his will Jesus was killed in front of the crowd by crucifying him.
Death Of Jesus Christ
This Roman government has been running for many centuries. There was a common way of torturing and giving death Jesus said that it was to pay for our sins. The charge against Jesus was blasphemy Jesus was killed by big rubbish made of many ropes In which the fragmented pieces of metal and bone were studded To blow their jaw, the crown made of long thorns was placed on their heads. They call Jesus Christ out of Jerusalem, Forced to walk on the mountain of that execution.
Where they were hanged on a wooden cross, And their feet and hands were thrown by the nails on the cross till he died, hang on that cross to know whether he was dead or not, his back was pierced. The body of Jesus was removed from the cross, and he was wrapped in a sheet with aromatic material. Their bodies were placed in a Grave, which was dug in the rock, And then a large stone was rolled over at the entrance to the Grave So that the door is safe.
Re-Birth Of Jesus Christ
Everyone knew that Jesus had said that he would rise from the dead body three days later. Therefore, trained Roman soldiers on their graves were deployed. They put an official Roman stamp outside the tomb so that it could be declared that it is government property. Despite all this, three days later, the stone that was sealing the grave. Found on a slope some distance away from the grave. The body of Jesus was not there in the grave only the sheet was lying, without the dead body. It is necessary to note that both the critics and followers of Jesus believe that the grave was empty. Initially, this explanation was being circulated that When the guards were asleep, their disciples stole their bodies.
But it seems untenable, because of this kind of trained guards of the Roman army. At the time of the guards, sleep was not less than the crime of the death penalty. Apart from this, every disciple was tortured and martyred For the claim that Jesus was alive and they were raised from the dead but they did not change their claims any person is prepared to die for that truth. To whom he believes the truth, even if he is actually a liar But, he does not want to die for what he knows is a lie If there is a time when a person speaks the truth, So it happens at the time of its near-death Every disciple, Continued to preach the resurrection of Jesus till the end Maybe the authorities have removed Jesus’ body from there. But this is also a weak possibility.
They crucified Jesus so that they could stop people from believing in them. If they had a body of Jesus, they would have to parade it in the city of Jerusalem. In one instant, they successfully succeeded in suppressing Christianity. That they did not do this, gives great testimony of the fact that they did not have the dead body of Jesus One second opinion is that women are distraught And sad being overwhelmed with grief. They have forgotten their way in the dawn of the morning and went to the wrong grave In his suffering, he imagined that Jesus had been resurrected. Because the grave was empty, But there is also doubt in this matter because if the women went to the wrong grave, Then the high priests and other enemies of religion went to the right grave. Why did not the body of Jesus show up? Another possibility, according to some people, is “the theory of unconsciousness”.
According to this principle, Jesus did not really die. He was supposed to be forgotten dead, And actually, due to fatigue, pain, and lack of blood, he became unconscious, Because of being cold in the grave, he returned consciousness. Accordingly, you have to ignore the fact that his side was pierced. So that it can be proved that he was dead any human being is ready to die for that truth, To whom he believes the truth. But, let us assume for a moment that Jesus was buried alive and he was unconscious So it is possible to believe that for three days without food or water, Or any kind of care, living in a moist grave? Did they have so much strength that they pulled themselves out of grave clothes, Remove heavy stone from the mouth of the grave, conquer the Roman guards, And walk on those feet to miles, Who was pierced by nails?
This does not make sense even then, only the empty grave did not give the followers the belief that Jesus was really God Only the empty grave did not give them the confidence that Jesus really lived through the dead, He was alive, and he was God All these things also convince them Jesus appeared many times, as living human flesh, And they ate with them, talked to them with different places, different times, He talked with different types of people Luke, one of the Gospel writers, said about Jesus.
He revealed himself to him with many concrete proofs that he is alive. He continued to appear for 40 days and told them about God’s kingdom. The four writers of the Gospel tell that after comprehending Jesus. He would physically appear to them once he appeared to the disciples. Thomas was not there, Thomas was his disciple When the other disciples told Thomas about him. Thomas did not believe He said straightforwardly, “till In his hand Do not look at the nail holes And do not put it my fingers in the nail holes And do not put it my hand in his side, I will not believe “A week later Jesus appeared to them again, At that time Thomas was with them too Jesus said to Thomas, “Put your finger and see my hands, And bring your hands and put them in my back Stop doubting and believe”.
On hearing this, Thomas responded, “My Lord, my God!” Jesus said to him, “You have believed in me and have seen me blessed are those who did not believe. What do you offer to Jesus? Christ gives purpose and direction to life, “I am the light of the world,” he says Whoever follows me will not walk in darkness, but will have the light of life”. Many people, in general, are in the dark about the purpose of life, and especially about their own lives, It feels as if they are searching for a light-burning switch in their life.
Whoever is in the dark, or in an unfamiliar room. He is very good public about the feeling of insecurity But, when the light burns, there is a sense of security It feels just when we walk in darkness, in the light of Jesus Christ. The late analyst psychologist, Carl Gustav Jung, said, The most critical problem of our times is emptiness We think that our experience, our knowledge, relationships, money, achievement, success, fame. We will provide the happiness that we are searching for But always remains an emptiness.
They do not completely satisfy all this We have been created for God, And we will get satisfaction only in them Jesus said, “I am the bread of life. The one who comes to me will never be hungry. And whoever believes in me will never be thirsty”. You can establish a closer relationship with Jesus at this time. You can know God on earth, personally in this life, After death, in eternity, Here is the promise of God, which he has done to us Because God loved the world so much that.
He gave his only son so that whoever believes in him. May he not be destroyed, but he will have eternal life Jesus took our sins upon us, on the cross. He accepted the penalty for our sins So that our sins can not become a wall between them and us. Because they paid our sins full. He gives us complete pardon and a relationship with us.
Saying Of Jesus Christ
Here’s how you can start this relationship Jesus said, “Look, I knock at the door of your heart; If someone hears my words and opens the door, then I will enter his house. You can invite Jesus Christ into your life right now. Your words, not only your reaction to them, are main Knowing what he has done for you, and what he is doing. You can tell him something like this Jesus. I believe in you My Dignity to die on the cross for my sins I want you to forgive me and just come into my life right now I want to know you and want to follow you. Thank you, for coming to my life, and for a relationship with me this time If you have invited Jesus to come to your life.