Ratri Suktam Lyrics has eight verses focused on Gayatri Chanda, will be able to understand its meaning in this article. The night is usually considered to be black, but Sarvn Khalvidam Brahma means everything in Sanatan Dharma is Brahmamaya (Godly).
The praise of the nightly Bhuvaneshwari is also God’s praise, whose text or hearing is the enemy’s destroyer, the deterrent of sin-heat, wisdom, and salvation.
The love and generosity of Mother Bhuvaneshwari rest upon the seekers with her recitation. Insomnia, it is considered highly productive since the night is considered the goddess of sleep. All the world’s inhabitants rest in the lap of the night goddess.
Ratri Suktam Lyrics also tell us that there are two Ratrisuktams for Durgasaptashati. A single Vedokta and a Tantrikot! The Tantrokta is an extract from the nightly Brahmaji’s Srimukh.
It is called Kalratri, or Mahapralayratri when the divine form of God is omitted. Only Brahm and his superpower, called Avyakta Prakriti, remained at that time. ‘Bhuvaneshwari’ is its presiding deity. Do read Ratri Suktam Lyrics below.
Ratri Suktam in Hindi Lyrics
रात्री सूक्तम हिंदी
अहं रुद्रेभिर्वसुभिश्र्चराम्यहमादित्यैरुत विश्र्वदेवैः।
अहं मित्रावरुणोभा बिभर्म्यहमिन्द्राग्नी अहमश्र्विनोभा॥1॥
अहं दधामि द्रविणं हविष्मते सुप्राव्ये यजमानाय सुन्वते॥2॥
अहं राष्ट्री संगमनी वसूनां चिकितुषी प्रथमा यज्ञियानाम्।
तां मा देवा व्यदधुः पुरुत्रा भूरिस्थात्रां भूर्यावेशयन्तीम्॥3॥
मया सो अन्नमत्ति यो विपश्यति यः प्राणितियईं श्रृणोत्युक्तम्।
अमन्तवो मां त उप क्षियन्ति श्रुधि श्रुत श्रद्धिवं ते वदामि॥4॥
अहमेव स्वयमिदं वदामि जुष्टं देवेभिरुत मानुषेभिः।
यं कामये तं तमुग्रं कृणोमि तं ब्रह्माणं तमृषिं तं सुमेधाम्॥5॥
अहं रुद्राय धनुरा तनोमि ब्रह्मद्विषे शरवे हन्तवा उ।
अहं जनाय समदं कृणोम्यहं द्यावापृथिवी आ विवेश॥6॥
अहं सुवे पितरमस्य मूर्धन् मम योनिरप्स्वन्तः समुद्रे।
ततो वि तिष्ठे भुवनानु विश्वोतामूं द्यां वर्ष्मणोप स्पृशामि॥7॥
अहमेव वात इव प्र वाम्यारभमाणा भुवनानि विश्र्वा।
परो दिवा पर एना पृथिव्यैतावती महिना सं बभूव॥8॥
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Ratri Suktam Lyrics in English
Ahaṁ Rudrēbhirvasubhiśrcarāmyahamādityairuta Viśrvadēvaiḥ.
Ahaṁ Mitrāvaruṇōbhā Bibharmyahamindrāgnī Ahamaśrvinōbhā.1.
Ahaṁ Dadhāmi Draviṇaṁ Haviṣmatē Suprāvyē Yajamānāya Sunvatē.2.
Ahaṁ Rāṣṭrī Saṅgamanī Vasūnāṁ Cikituṣī Prathamā Yajñiyānām.
Tāṁ Mā Dēvā Vyadadhuḥ Purutrā Bhūristhātrāṁ Bhūryāvēśayantīm.3.
Mayā Sō Annamatti Yō Vipaśyati Yaḥ Prāṇitiya’īṁ Śrr̥ṇōtyuktam.
Amantavō Māṁ Ta Upa Kṣiyanti Śrudhi Śruta Śrad’dhivaṁ Tē Vadāmi.4.
Ahamēva Svayamidaṁ Vadāmi Juṣṭaṁ Dēvēbhiruta Mānuṣēbhiḥ.
Yaṁ Kāmayē Taṁ Tamugraṁ Kr̥ṇōmi Taṁ Brahmāṇaṁ Tamr̥ṣiṁ Taṁ Sumēdhām.5.
Ahaṁ Rudrāya Dhanurā Tanōmi Brahmadviṣē Śaravē Hantavā U.
Ahaṁ Janāya Samadaṁ Kr̥ṇōmyahaṁ Dyāvāpr̥thivī Ā Vivēśa.6.
Ahaṁ Suvē Pitaramasya Mūrdhan Mama Yōnirapsvantaḥ Samudrē.
Tatō Vi Tiṣṭhē Bhuvanānu Viśvōtāmūṁ Dyāṁ Varṣmaṇōpa Spr̥śāmi.7.
Ahamēva Vāta Iva Pra Vāmyārabhamāṇā Bhuvanāni Viśrvā.
Parō Divā Para Ēnā Pr̥thivyaitāvatī Mahinā Saṁ Babhūva.8.
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