Listen to Aarti Kunj Bihari ki you can even download the Aarti Kunj Bihari ki Lyrics in Hindi PDF to read Aarti whenever you get time. Lord Krishna is also known as Kunj Bihari. Lord Krishna is the highest of all lords, according to the Bhagavad Geeta. Lord Krishna is known as the God of the Kalyuga epoch. Lord Vishnu, one of the trinity’s manifestations, is he.
It’s believed that Krishna gives his devotees immense happiness and contentment to guide a harmonious life. The lord is the type to his devotees and removes the obstacles from their lives.
Lord Krishna is one of the most challenging characters in the Mahabharatha or Bhagavad Gita. He explained how mankind will be in the Kali-yuga in his last incarnation (the black age). In the Hindu sacred text Bhagavad Gita, he is the primary character.
The puja and the aarti Kunj Bihari lyrics free one from the cycle of delivery and rebirth and supply salvation within the subsequent delivery. Worship the lord to get a baby and a completely happy married life. By reading Aarti Kunj Bihar Ki the difficulties and distractions in an individual’s life get abolished.
Aarti Kunj Bihar Ki
आरती कुञ्ज बिहार की
आरती कुंजबिहारी की,
श्री गिरिधर कृष्ण मुरारी की ॥
आरती कुंजबिहारी की,
श्री गिरिधर कृष्ण मुरारी की ॥
गले में बैजंती माला,
बजावै मुरली मधुर बाला ।
श्रवण में कुण्डल झलकाला,
नंद के आनंद नंदलाला ।
गगन सम अंग कांति काली,
राधिका चमक रही आली ।
लतन में ठाढ़े बनमाली
भ्रमर सी अलक,
कस्तूरी तिलक,
चंद्र सी झलक,
ललित छवि श्यामा प्यारी की,
श्री गिरिधर कृष्ण मुरारी की ॥ x2
॥ आरती कुंजबिहारी की…॥
कनकमय मोर मुकुट बिलसै,
देवता दरसन को तरसैं ।
गगन सों सुमन रासि बरसै ।
बजे मुरचंग,
मधुर मिरदंग,
ग्वालिन संग,
अतुल रति गोप कुमारी की,
श्री गिरिधर कृष्णमुरारी की ॥ x2
॥ आरती कुंजबिहारी की…॥
जहां ते प्रकट भई गंगा,
सकल मन हारिणि श्री गंगा ।
स्मरन ते होत मोह भंगा
बसी शिव सीस,
जटा के बीच,
हरै अघ कीच,
चरन छवि श्रीबनवारी की,
श्री गिरिधर कृष्णमुरारी की ॥
॥ आरती कुंजबिहारी की…॥ x2
चमकती उज्ज्वल तट रेनू,
बज रही वृंदावन बेनू ।
चहुं दिसि गोपि ग्वाल धेनू
हंसत मृदु मंद,
चांदनी चंद,
कटत भव फंद,
टेर सुन दीन दुखारी की,
श्री गिरिधर कृष्णमुरारी की ॥
॥ आरती कुंजबिहारी की…॥ x2
आरती कुंजबिहारी की,
श्री गिरिधर कृष्ण मुरारी की ॥
आरती कुंजबिहारी की,
श्री गिरिधर कृष्ण मुरारी की ॥

Must Read – Aarti Shri Ramayan Ji Ki Lyrics In Hindi, English | PDF
Aarti Kunj Bihari Ki Lyrics
Aarti Kunj Bihari Ki,
Shree Giridhar Krishan muraaree Ki x2
gale mein baijantee maala,
bajaavai muralee madhur baala .
shravan mein kundal jhalakaala,
nand ke aanand nandalaala .
gagan sam ang kaanti kaalee,
raadhika chamak rahee aalee .
latan mein thaadhe banamaalee
bhramar see alak,
kastooree tilak,
chandr see jhalak,
lalit chhavi shyaama pyaaree ki,
shree giridhar krishan muraaree ki .
kanakamay mor mukut bilasai,
devata darasan ko tarasain .
gagan son suman raasi barasai .
baje murachang,
madhur miradang,
gvaalin sang,
atul rati gop kumaaree ki,
shree giridhar krishanamuraaree ki .
jahaan te prakat bhee ganga,
sakal man haarini shree ganga .
smaran te hot moh bhanga
basee shiv sees,
jata ke beech,
harai agh kich,
charan chhavi shreebanavaaree ki,
shree giridhar krishanamuraaree ki .
chamakatee ujjval tat renoo,
baj rahee vrndaavan benoo .
chahun disi gopi gvaal dhenoo
hansat mrdu mand,
chaandanee chand,
katat bhav phand,
ter sun deen dukhaaree ki,
shree giridhar krishanamuraaree ki .
Aarti Kunj Bihari Ki,
Shree Giridhar Krishan muraaree Ki x2
Kunj Bihar Ki Aarti Video Lyrics in Hindi
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